Magic The Gathering Tips - Why Do I Always Lose?

In this episode of the magic of the Gathering tips, I'll answer a question that has been plaguing Magic players for nearly 20 years.

Why do I always lose?

Let me count the reasons, if I can count that high. Yes, there are many reasons why so many Magic players always seem to lose. Until the last two years I have been one of those players with these many reasons. I was about to lose my name if it were not for the fact that it was a young earth.

I told you how I got that name, right? Well, it does not matter because it is one of the many reasons why Magic players lose. So let's start.

Topping the list is the construction of the bridge. Like it or not, you can not just throw your old cards together to make a bridge and expect to win in Magic. I used to do. I took all my favorite cards I have driven on a bridge, and ... well, you can imagine the results.

Bridges must be built carefully to have a reasonable chance of winning. This includes not only choose the right cards, but also including the exact amount of land for your platform. Not all deck works well in 20 batches. I found that the hard way.

Another reason why some Magic players always lose is that they do not practice enough for your platform. There are very few people in this world who can pick up a bridge, Sight Unseen, and perform optimally. You should practice with the deck so you can get a general idea of who the cards fall and what your options are in most games.

Some bridges that I put together looked very good on paper, but then when I tried it, I found that the way the cards played, I was not getting the results I had expected because some needed to leave early in the game to the bridge is effective and when they have no cards, lost most of those games.

You should also understand before you even get to the first part, what your deck is trying to do and what to do to get the platform to do so. This could mean, when faced with having to choose between two cards opening hand, knowing that you must play in round 1.

Know your platform, or you can not play well.

Another reason Magic players lose much, is because they do not trust. Yes, I know ... your confidence, or lack thereof, does not affect the way the cards end up in the hand. But what it does is it makes you second guess yourself. You end up doing stupid games because you are unsure of himself, while the player commits knows exactly what to play.

If you do not believe you can win, how can you?

Another reason the Magic lost because players do not play properly and appropriately Buffet goal.

If you knew you were going to be faced with a large number of bridges resuscitation cemetery (you know if you knew the goal) would be sure to bring a buffet (as Cage Gravedigger now) to deal with these bridges. But if you do not know the goal, you can not properly sideboard and therefore reduce their chances of winning.

There is much more to gain magical but leave you with this good to begin with. Work on these questions and you will find that you lose a lot less than it used to.

Magic the Gathering for your enjoyment

Steve "Earth Boy" Guggenheim

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