3 card poker - cards in a deck (best cards in the worlds)

hello guys in this new article
today I show you the best cards in the world. you can use it with magic tricks or just with playing cards
let's go

3 card poker

1- bicycle cards
bicycle cards is number one for the magicians in the world
Dealing with this deck of cards is very easy for the lightness of these cards and high-quality design.
you can buy my best bicycle cards now

Bicycle 1800 Vintage Series Playing Cards by Ellusionist (RED)

Bicycle Karnival Earthtone9 Deck - Playing Cards

Magic Makers Black Scorpion Deck

Bicycle Karnival Death Heads Carnage Edition Playing Cards

2- Bee Cards
many peopel and magicians don't use bicycle cards Because it contain white circles and this makes some of the tricks exposed so prefer bee cards
for me I love this cards because I can do any trick
you can buy it when you like bee cards


3- Tally-Ho
tally-ho like bicycle But a little longer than the Bicycle and different in terms of decor
you can buy it now

Tally Ho Fan Back Cards (Black)

goodbye and see you next time.................

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Have you ever wondered where a card game or the meaning behind them?cards in a deck of cards is more than one way to play fun games. cards in a deck of cards has a meaning behind it and it is actually quite interesting to learn. Construction of base maps in the deepest sense of symbols, cards in a deck of cards is an interesting thing 3 card poker .

These playing cards are usually only a thick sheet of printed paper. They are small in size, made to fit in the palm of your hand. Many are coated to withstand the constant and frequent use without showing wear easily. cards in A deck of cards consists of 52 cards, each with specific symbols printed on them. The fronts of the cards have specific brands that determine the name and the use of a card. 3 card poker The back of the card can be decorated in various ways.

Cards have always seemed to be around in one form or another. 3 card poker They have always served as a way to pass time and have fun. cards in a deck Playing cards have been used for years in modern society as a way for people to get together and enjoy an evening. play casino online Throughout the history of playing cards have changed simply the most creative styles we have today.

A typical deck of cards consists of combinations of cards and court cards. The four colors are heart, diamond, spade and clubs. cards in a deck The court cards originated in Europe and represent the royal court. 3 card poker The court cards including the King, Queen, Knight and Jack play casino online .

There are many ways the court cards can be interrupted. The traditional interpretation corresponds to each set of cards with a specific real historical figure. cards in a deck For example, the King of Diamonds is Julius Caesar and queen of diamonds is Rachel from the Bible.

Playing card designs often used for messages. During the French Revolution were playing cards symbols of freedom and brotherhood. Even today playing cards are often made using themes. You can get maps to play in many different designs, cards in a deck not just on the back of the cards. play casino online Many card manufacturers are thematic maps with new designs and interesting pieces on classic suits and court cards.

Modern deck of cards used in the United States today have traditional costumes heart, diamonds, spades and clubs. 3 card poker They have four court cards king, queen, knight and chat. The colors of a standard play are usually black and red with a little yellow highlighted on the court cards. The four colors each of cards numbered 2-10, cards in a deck an ace and then one of each cutting board.

The meaning of a bridge is not always clear. 3 card poker Most people do not put much importance on the cards. Depending on the country or culture of a sense of coverage could be very different. cards in a deck The decision on the meaning of a card game is really personal. You can decide for yourself what it means to be on the cards.

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